BJP’s fifth list of candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in India has been released. And there are plenty of surprises. Bollywood’s queen Kangana Ranaut will fight for BJP from Mandi. Earlier, he has posted many times in support of BJP. Since then, many have speculated that he might be entering politics. Finally, that speculation came true. But not only him, this time the ticket has been given by BJP to ‘Ram’ of small screen Ramayana Arun Govil.
BJP candidate Kangana
The surprise came the day after the birthday. This time Kangana Ranaut is the candidate of BJP. He will fight for Padmaphul from Mandi centre. BJP released their fifth list of candidates on March 24 night. From there, Kangana is fighting from Jana Mandi.
The Queen of Bollywood stepped into politics through this Lok Sabha election. He has spread various words and information for BJP at various times. He is always full of praise for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. As a result, many people assumed that he will enter the political arena today or tomorrow. Finally that assumption came true.
BJP candidate Arun Govil
Not just Kangana Ranaut. This time, Arun Govil will also fight in the Lok Sabha elections for BJP. Everyone knows him as Ram of small screen. He will contest this Lok Sabha election for BJP from Meerut.
BJP’s fifth candidate list
Nityanand Rai will fight from Uziarpur. Giriraj Singh will contest from Begusarai, Ravi Shankar Prasad from Patna Sahib. Kangana Ranaut’s Mandi candidate, Naveen Jindal will contest from Kurukshetra. Sita Soren will fight from Dumka. Dharmendra Pradhan is contesting from Sambalpur, Pratap Sarangi is now a candidate for Balasore. Sambit Patra is contesting from Puri, Aparajita Sarangi is contesting from Bhubaneswar. And BJP candidate from Meerut is Arun Govil.
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