As India’s general election heats up, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s re-election campaign is significantly leveraging social media influencers to shape public opinion and sway voters. Among them are Veer Sharma and Parul Ahirwar, who are not just social media stars but also active participants in the political dialogue, shifting from viral comedy sketches to featuring political figures in their content.
The integration of politics into their Instagram feeds coincides with an intensifying campaign season, with Sharma’s interactions with high-profile BJP members highlighting this trend. Sharma’s videos have not only gone viral but have also caught the attention of BJP’s top brass, leading to direct collaborations aimed at promoting the party’s initiatives.
With India boasting over 800 million internet users, the strategic use of influencers like Sharma and Ahirwar represents a new frontier in political campaigning. This approach aims to mobilize the influential youth demographic by engaging them in a format they are familiar with and trust.
However, this strategy has sparked controversy, with accusations of authoritarian tactics such as censorship and suppression of opposition voices. The narrative is not just about digital outreach but also about controlling the political discourse, with the government facing criticism for allegedly manipulating social media to silence dissent and favor pro-BJP narratives.
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