Renowned Bangladeshi actor and playwright, Abul Hayat, received the esteemed ‘Nayak Raj Razzak Lifetime Achievement Award’ at an event organized by the Bengal Film and Television Chamber of Commerce (BFTCC). The ceremony took place on June 8th at the Spring Club in Kolkata.
A Touching Moment
Abul Hayat expressed his surprise and delight upon receiving the award, noting the enthusiasm of Kolkata’s audience for Bangladeshi dramas and films. He shared his emotional connection with Nayak Raj Razzak and reminisced about their close relationship.
Recognition and Rewards
As part of the award, Abul Hayat received a shawl, a memento, a bouquet, a certificate, and a cash prize. The Minister of State for Disaster Management and Relief, Mahbubur Rahman MP, presented the award.
Contributions to Theatre and Television
On his 75th birthday, a book titled ‘Sarthak Janam He Tomar Shilpi Sunipun’ was published, featuring writings from 100 prominent figures. Abul Hayat expressed his desire to teach acting and share his experience with the younger generation. He recalled his first stage play ‘Tipu Sultan’ and other significant works, including ‘Buro Shaliker Ghare Ro’ and ‘Titash Ekti Nadir Naam.’
Historic Achievements
In 1974, Abul Hayat received the ‘Sequence Award for Introducing Naturalistic Acting on the Bangladesh Stage’ for his performance in ‘Baki Itihas,’ marking a significant milestone in Bangladeshi theatre history.
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