The Tanchangya people in Bandarban have commenced their vibrant Bishu festival today, ushering in their New Year with a three-day celebration filled with hope and prayers for prosperity. This cultural festivity, synonymous with names like Biju, Bihu, and Sangrai among others, spans various indigenous communities, each bringing a unique flavor to the celebrations.
Concurrently, the Chakma community has also begun their Biju festival. The day started with traditional attire and flower offerings in the Sangu River, Rowangchhari, setting a festive tone across the district.
The festivals are rich with cultural significance, featuring the Gangya Puja—a ritual prayer for peace and good fortune. The communities engage in a plethora of activities including traditional sports, cultural programs, and a variety of local cuisines, making the festival a robust display of heritage and communal harmony.
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