On August 2, 1995, renowned film stars Omar Sani and Moushumi embarked on their journey of marital bliss. Today, they celebrate 29 years of a love-filled marriage, a testament to their enduring bond.
From Reel to Real Their romance blossomed on the set of “Atmo Ahankar” in 1993, where Omar Sani professed his love for Moushumi through a heartfelt song. Two years later, they tied the knot, proving their love was not just for the screen.
Family and Achievements Over the years, they have been blessed with two children, Fardin and Faiza. Fardin, once a successful restaurateur in Dhaka, now works in Dubai’s real estate sector. Meanwhile, Omar Sani manages the popular ‘Chapwala’ restaurant near Dhaka.
A Supportive Partnership Omar Sani describes Moushumi as the light of his life, highlighting her roles as a wife, mother, actress, and social worker. Moushumi, in turn, expresses her gratitude for Sani’s irreplaceable support, especially after her father’s passing.
Continuing Their Legacy Moushumi recently visited America, and her latest film, “Sonar Char,” was well-received. Omar Sani’s recent appearance was in “Deadbody.” Their first film together, “Dola,” remains iconic, with memorable songs that captivated audiences.
Looking Ahead As they step into their 30th year together, the couple reflects on their journey with gratitude and hope for many more happy years.
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