Renowned director and playwright Ferdous Hasan brings together two iconic Ekushey Padak-winning actors, Dilara Zaman and Abul Hayat, for his new Eid special, “Sunglass,” airing on Channel i. This comedy also features talented actors Ashiq Chowdhury and Rezmin Setu.
Abul Hayat shared his enthusiasm, saying, “Sunglass is a comedy that reflects Ferdous Hasan’s unique style. Working with Dilara Apa again was a joy, and we fondly remembered our late colleague Sharmili Ahmed. I appreciate Ferdous Hasan for crafting such a wonderful story.”
Dilara Zaman praised Ferdous Hasan, stating, “He directs with great care and always has meaningful messages in his dramas. It’s always rewarding to work with him.”
Ashiq Chowdhury expressed his gratitude, saying, “Working with legends like Abul Hayat sir and Dilara madam is a rare opportunity. I’m thankful to Ferdous Hasan bhai for this experience.”
Rezmin Setu revealed, “This is my first project with Ferdous Hasan Rana sir, and it has been an amazing experience. I’m thrilled to share the screen with such esteemed actors.”
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