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Fatima is Not a Simple Story: Tasnia Farin - The Present World
February 18, 2025, 12:56 pm

Fatima is Not a Simple Story: Tasnia Farin

TPW Desk
  • Update Time : Thursday, May 30, 2024

Actress Tasnia Farin presents herself to the audience in a new light for the first time. Her film Fatima was recently released nationwide in theaters and has received praise from several festivals. In a conversation with TPW, Farin discussed Fatima and various contemporary topics.

What was the essence of ‘Fatima’?

I played the titular role in the movie. Part of it was shot in 2017, and another part was filmed in 2023. Together, these periods created ‘Fatima.’ It’s a film that challenges the audience’s thoughts, presenting our Liberation War differently. Those who understand cinema will be intrigued by its complex narrative and appreciate it.

Did you face any challenges while working on the film?

The biggest challenge I faced was setting the look. When the story was restructured differently in 2023, I portrayed the present character in my way. The whole concept had slipped my mind. I had to shoot in the 2017 look again in 2023. Therefore, my biggest challenge was whether there would be any change in my acting over these five years. I had to act a bit worse to match the previous look, showcasing my dedication to my craft.

Are there any similarities between Fatima and Farin?

There are many similarities between Fatima and me. Both of us are very outspoken and rebellious. We can’t tolerate injustice and protest immediately. I always try to be honest and protest against false accusations. Fatima is just like me in this regard. However, there’s a difference: Fatima has experienced struggles that I haven’t. But I have my life struggles, which every girl has. This connection between me and the character adds a deeper layer to the film.

How satisfied are you with what you have achieved from this film?

I don’t derive much joy from achievements but have expectations. When an audience appreciates my work, it makes me happy. When I’m working on something, it’s my life’s goal and purpose. That’s probably why I chose this profession. Ultimately, the result of the work is important. Whenever I work on something, I consider it my last work. After that, people will see it as my first work again and won’t remember the previous one. So, I don’t stress much about achievements.

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