Dhaka North City Corporation fined one lakh taka to Kacchi Bhai located at Gulshan-2 of the capital for not having any documents other than trade license.
On Wednesday (March 6) Dhaka North City Corporation Region-3 Regional Executive Officer and Executive Magistrate Zulkar Nayan conducted a fire safety risk inspection of various restaurants and Bhavan in Gulshan and Banani areas. These fines are collected in raids.
Executive Magistrate Zulkar Nayan said that Kachchi Bhai was fined Tk 1 lakh as he had no documents other than trade license. 3 months imprisonment has been given in default. Within the next 7 days, all approvals including fire certificate, environmental clearance must be completed. If the papers cannot be prepared then Kacchi Bhai will be sealed.
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