The highly anticipated serial drama “Neel Ghurni,” directed by Syed Shakil, is set to air soon on RTV. This series features two of Bangladesh’s top actors, Ziaul Faruq Apurba and National Film Award-winning actress Zakia Bari Mom, in leading roles. The script is penned by Shafiqul Rahman Shantanu.
Apurba shared his excitement about “Neel Ghurni,” stating, “I acted in this series about five years ago. At that time, Mom and I were well-received for our one-act plays. ‘Neel Ghurni’ is a captivating story, which is why I chose to participate. After this, I focused on one-act plays and OTT platforms.”
Director Syed Shakil expressed his confidence, “I believe ‘Neel Ghurni’ will be well-received by the audience. Apurba, Mom, and the entire cast have delivered meticulous performances.”
Apurba and Syed Shakil previously collaborated on successful serials such as “Samrat,” “Sonar Shikol,” and “Off the Record.” Mom also worked under Shakil’s direction in “Off the Record.” Their notable one-act plays and telefilms include “Tumi Nai,” “Bini Sutor Tan,” and “Neel Projapoti.”
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