Renowned drama and filmmaker Chayanika Chowdhury has crafted a special drama titled ‘Rajputra O Apsari,’ which will air on Channel I next Eid. This intriguing play, penned by Faria Hossain, features popular actors Parsa Ivana and Junaid Bogdadi.
Chayanika expressed her excitement about the project, stating, “In 2018, I directed ‘Edean Find,’ where Ivana appeared as a special guest. This is her first lead role in my drama, and she delivered an outstanding performance. It’s also Junaid’s first time working under my direction, and he did a fantastic job. I extend my best wishes to both of them.”
In ‘Rajputra O Apsari,’ Parsa Ivana portrays Abla, while Junaid Bogdadi takes on the role of Arnab. Reflecting on the experience, Ivana said, “Faria Hossain is a distinguished playwright, and Chayanika Didi is an exceptionally talented producer. After several years, I had the chance to play a lead role under her guidance in a captivating story. Despite the challenges, we completed the work beautifully, and I hope the audience enjoys it.”
Junaid Bogdadi shared his thoughts, saying, “Working under Chayanika Chowdhury’s direction was a privilege. Ivana and I put in our best efforts to bring our characters to life, and I hope the audience appreciates our performance.”
Parsa Ivana has recently garnered attention for her performances in Ziaul Haque Palash’s ‘Sandhya 7ta’ and Kajal Arefin Ami’s ‘Seshmesh.’ Meanwhile, Junaid Bogdadi gained recognition for his role in Mizanur Rahman Aryan’s ‘Outside Network’ and has starred in notable dramas such as ‘Amaran Bishan,’ ‘Maya,’ and ‘Ai Je Ami.’
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