The ongoing drama series ‘Dokkhin’er Shomikoron’ on Bangladesh Television (BTV) has captured the hearts of audiences with its compelling storyline and stellar cast. Starring Shirin Alam as Johora, Shahana Rahman Sumi as Ratna, and Sharmin Zoha Shashi as Udita, the series is receiving widespread acclaim.
Shirin Alam expressed her delight in working on ‘Dokkhin’er Shomikoron,’ calling it one of her favorite projects. “The unit of this series is quite wonderful. There is no rush. The director and everyone involved are working with great care. I am also getting a good response for my acting in this,” she shared.
Shahana Rahman Sumi highlighted the series’ beautiful story and her positive experience on set. “The character selection was excellent. The director was very attentive to the acting. We are getting a lot of positive responses from the audience,” Sumi noted.
Sharmin Zoha Shashi expressed her joy in working with Shirin Alam and Sumi, calling them her favorite artists and dear friends. “I really like the character of Udita in this series. I am trying my best to portray the character properly,” Shashi added.
‘Dokkhin’er Shomikoron,’ written and directed by Sanjay Kant, airs on BTV three days a week, continuing to engage viewers with its gripping narrative and talented cast.
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