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4 lakh 81 thousand students are getting stipend in eleventh - The Present World
February 18, 2025, 11:55 am

4 lakh 81 thousand students are getting stipend in eleventh

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  • Update Time : Sunday, March 24, 2024

In the current academic year, four lakh 81 thousand 47 students are receiving stipend in class 11. This time 82.32 percent of the students who applied are getting the scholarship. Apart from this, another 6,936 students are getting stipend under the disabled and other quotas. The total number of students admitted in class 11 is 13 lakh seven thousand 16. Among them 5 lakh 84 thousand 308 applied for stipend.

Recently, a list in this regard was published in the meeting of the Integrated Stipend Program Implementation and Monitoring Committee under the Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust. This information is known in the data analysis of the list.

According to sources concerned, the scholarship beneficiary students from across the country have been centrally selected through the HSP unit with the technical support of the MIS Cell of the Prime Minister’s Educational Assistance Trust Office. Beneficiary students are selected not on the basis of gender but on the basis of poverty.

who will get stipend

Physically challenged, third gender, former enclave residents and the generation of heroic freedom fighters will be directly included in this program after due scrutiny. However, in this case the attested copy of the certificate issued by the appropriate authority should be attached and preserved in the MIS. All students must ensure possession of 17 digit online birth certificate.

Earlier, the government announced to provide admission assistance from the Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust to ensure the admission of poor and meritorious students admitted to Class XI in the academic year 2023-24 in various educational institutions under the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (MAUSI), Directorate of Technical Education and Directorate of Madrasa Education. It said that children of 13th to 20th grade employees working in government, semi-government, autonomous and constitutional institutions will be considered for financial grants.

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